93 mins:
Attacking throw-in by Edgar Davids.
92 mins: Foul by John Pantsil on Robbie Keane. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Tom Huddlestone from own half, resulting in open play. John Pantsil booked for unsporting behaviour.
92 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
91 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
89 mins: Attacking throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
89 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
89 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
88 mins: Foul by Robbie Keane on John Pantsil. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Robert Green from own half, resulting in open play.
87 mins: Foul by Benoit Assou-Ekotto on Carlos Tevez. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Carlos Tevez from right wing, passed.
87 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
86 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
86 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
86 mins: Inswinging corner from left by-line taken left-footed by Bobby Zamora to centre, clearance by Tom Huddlestone.
85 mins: Inswinging corner from right by-line taken left-footed by Bobby Zamora to centre, clearance by Tom Huddlestone.
85 mins: Inswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Bobby Zamora to far post, resulting in open play.
84 mins: Foul by Edgar Davids on Carlos Tevez. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Carlos Tevez from left channel, passed. Edgar Davids booked for unsporting behaviour.
83 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas to centre, clearance by Hayden Mullins.
83 mins: Goal kick taken short by Robert Green.
82 mins: Header by Ahmed Mido from centre of penalty area (12 yards), hit bar.
82 mins: Attacking throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
81 mins: Foul by Anton Ferdinand on Ahmed Mido. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Michael Dawson from own half, passed. substitution: Marlon Harewood replaced by Christian Dailly (tactical).
80 mins: Defending throw-in by John Pantsil.
78 mins: Defending throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
76 mins: Goal kick taken short by Robert Green. substitution: Jermain Defoe replaced by Robbie Keane (tactical). substitution: Yossi Benayoun replaced by Carlton Cole (tactical). substitution: Aaron Lennon replaced by Hossam Ghaly (tactical).
76 mins: Shot by Tom Huddlestone drilled right-footed from left channel (25 yards), missed left.
75 mins: Foul by Edgar Davids on John Pantsil. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Robert Green from own half, passed.
75 mins: Defending throw-in by John Pantsil.
75 mins: Attacking throw-in by Edgar Davids.
74 mins: Shot by Jermain Defoe left-footed from right side of penalty area (12 yards), save (blocked) by Robert Green.
74 mins: Corner from right by-line taken short right-footed by Carlos Tevez.
72 mins: Foul by Nigel Reo-Coker on Aaron Lennon. Free kick curled right-footed by Jermaine Jenas from right channel (25 yards), save (caught) by Robert Green.
71 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas to centre, save (caught) by Robert Green.
71 mins: Shot by Jermain Defoe right-footed from right channel (25 yards), blocked by Hayden Mullins.
70 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Yossi Benayoun to centre, clearance by Michael Dawson.
70 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Yossi Benayoun to short, resulting in open play.
68 mins: Foul by Tom Huddlestone on Carlos Tevez. Free kick crossed right-footed by Carlos Tevez from right wing, clearance by Tom Huddlestone.
68 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
68 mins: Attacking throw-in by Marlon Harewood.
67 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green. substitution: Javier Mascherano replaced by Carlos Tevez (tactical).
66 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas to near post, clearance by Daniel Gabbidon.
66 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
65 mins: Shot by Yossi Benayoun volleyed right-footed from centre of penalty area (18 yards), over the bar.
65 mins: Defending throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
65 mins: Defending throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
64 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
63 mins: Defending throw-in by John Pantsil.
63 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
63 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.
62 mins: Foul by Bobby Zamora on Pascal Chimbonda. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas from right channel, passed.
61 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
60 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
60 mins: Defending throw-in by John Pantsil.
60 mins: Shot by John Pantsil right-footed from right channel (30 yards), save (caught) by Paul Robinson.
59 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
59 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.
59 mins: Cross by Tom Huddlestone, shot by Ahmed Mido right-footed from centre of penalty area (12 yards), missed left.
59 mins: Attacking throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
58 mins: Foul by John Pantsil on Edgar Davids. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Paul Robinson from own half, resulting in open play.
57 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
57 mins: Inswinging corner from left by-line taken right-footed by Yossi Benayoun to near post, resulting in open play.
56 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
55 mins: Goal kick taken short by Robert Green.
55 mins: Shot by Tom Huddlestone right-footed from left channel (35 yards), missed left.
55 mins: Attacking throw-in by Yossi Benayoun.
54 mins: Defending throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
54 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
53 mins: Shot by Edgar Davids left-footed from left channel (25 yards), missed left.
54 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.
52 mins: Attacking throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
53 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas to centre, clearance by Anton Ferdinand.
52 mins: Attacking throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
52 mins: Defending throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
51 mins: Attacking throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
51 mins: Bobby Zamora caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Ledley King from own half, passed.
50 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
50 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.
49 mins: Defending throw-in by Yossi Benayoun.
49 mins: Foul by Bobby Zamora on Michael Dawson. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Paul Robinson from own half, resulting in open play.
47 mins: Foul by John Pantsil on Jermain Defoe. Free kick crossed right-footed by Jermaine Jenas from left wing, save (punched) by Robert Green.
47 mins: Attacking throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
46 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
46 mins: Goal kick taken short by Robert Green.
46 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas to far post, header by Michael Dawson from left side of penalty area (12 yards), missed left.
48 mins: Ahmed Mido booked for unsporting behaviour.
47 mins: Goal by Ahmed Mido (Tottenham) volleyed left-footed (bottom-left of goal) from left side of penalty area (12 yards).Tottenham 1-0 West Ham. Assist (cross) by Edgar Davids (Tottenham) from left wing.
46 mins: Attacking throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
46 mins: Defending throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
45 mins: Foul by Jermaine Jenas on Javier Mascherano. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Bobby Zamora from own half, passed.
45 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
40 mins: Foul by Javier Mascherano on Jermain Defoe. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas from right channel, passed. Javier Mascherano booked for unsporting behaviour. Jermain Defoe booked for dissent. Marlon Harewood booked for unsporting behaviour. Shot by Benoit Assou-Ekotto right-footed from right channel (30 yards), blocked by Daniel Gabbidon.
38 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
39 mins: Defending throw-in by John Pantsil.
37 mins: Attacking throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
38 mins: Foul by Michael Dawson on Marlon Harewood. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Marlon Harewood from own half, passed.
36 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.
36 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
35 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
35 mins: Shot by Javier Mascherano right-footed from right channel (30 yards), missed right.
34 mins: Foul by Pascal Chimbonda on Paul Konchesky. Free kick crossed right-footed by Yossi Benayoun from left wing, save (punched) by Paul Robinson.
34 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
34 mins: Defending throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
33 mins: Bobby Zamora caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Paul Robinson from own half, passed.
33 mins: Defending throw-in by John Pantsil.
32 mins: Foul by Ahmed Mido on Robert Green. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Robert Green from own half, passed.
31 mins: Foul by Paul Konchesky on Aaron Lennon. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas from right wing, passed. Paul Konchesky booked for unsporting behaviour.
30 mins: Attacking throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
30 mins: Foul by Hayden Mullins on Pascal Chimbonda. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Michael Dawson from right wing, passed.
29 mins: Foul by Nigel Reo-Coker on Benoit Assou-Ekotto. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Paul Robinson from own half, resulting in open play.
29 mins: Attacking throw-in by Edgar Davids.
28 mins: Defending throw-in by John Pantsil.
28 mins: Goal kick taken short by Paul Robinson.
27 mins: Foul by Jermain Defoe on Daniel Gabbidon. Direct free kick taken left-footed by Daniel Gabbidon from own half, passed.
26 mins: Foul by Michael Dawson on Bobby Zamora. Indirect free kick taken left-footed by Paul Konchesky from own half, passed.
26 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
24 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
24 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.
23 mins: Foul by Anton Ferdinand on Jermain Defoe. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Edgar Davids from own half, passed.
23 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
22 mins: Shot by Marlon Harewood right-footed from right channel (20 yards), save (blocked) by Paul Robinson.
22 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
21 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
21 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
20 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas to far post, foul by Michael Dawson on Robert Green. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Robert Green from own half, passed.
20 mins: Shot by Jermain Defoe right-footed from centre of penalty area (12 yards), save (blocked) by Robert Green.
20 mins: Attacking throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
19 mins: Foul by Hayden Mullins on Pascal Chimbonda. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Michael Dawson from own half, passed.
18 mins: Defending throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
18 mins: Foul by Bobby Zamora on Ledley King. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Paul Robinson from own half, passed.
17 mins: Goal kick taken short by Robert Green.
17 mins: Bobby Zamora caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Paul Robinson from own half, resulting in open play.
16 mins: Attacking throw-in by Edgar Davids.
15 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas to far post, clearance by Daniel Gabbidon.
15 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas to near post, clearance by Bobby Zamora.
14 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
13 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Yossi Benayoun to near post, save (punched) by Paul Robinson.
12 mins: Inswinging corner from left by-line taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas to short, resulting in open play.
11 mins: Attacking throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
11 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
10 mins: Defending throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
10 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
10 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
9 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
8 mins: Foul by Pascal Chimbonda on Marlon Harewood. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Anton Ferdinand from left wing, passed.
9 mins: Attacking throw-in by Yossi Benayoun.
8 mins: Foul by Bobby Zamora on Benoit Assou-Ekotto. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Paul Robinson from own half, resulting in open play.
7 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.
7 mins: Shot by Aaron Lennon right-footed from centre of penalty area (18 yards), missed left.
6 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
6 mins: Defending throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
4 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
4 mins: Nigel Reo-Coker caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Paul Robinson from own half, resulting in open play.
2 mins: Defending throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
2 mins: Defending throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
2 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Yossi Benayoun to centre, save (caught) by Paul Robinson.
0 min: Foul by Tom Huddlestone on Nigel Reo-Coker. Free kick curled right-footed by Marlon Harewood from right channel (30 yards), blocked by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
0 min: Jermain Defoe caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Anton Ferdinand from own half, passed.
92 mins: Foul by John Pantsil on Robbie Keane. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Tom Huddlestone from own half, resulting in open play. John Pantsil booked for unsporting behaviour.
92 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
91 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
89 mins: Attacking throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
89 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
89 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
88 mins: Foul by Robbie Keane on John Pantsil. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Robert Green from own half, resulting in open play.
87 mins: Foul by Benoit Assou-Ekotto on Carlos Tevez. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Carlos Tevez from right wing, passed.
87 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
86 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
86 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
86 mins: Inswinging corner from left by-line taken left-footed by Bobby Zamora to centre, clearance by Tom Huddlestone.
85 mins: Inswinging corner from right by-line taken left-footed by Bobby Zamora to centre, clearance by Tom Huddlestone.
85 mins: Inswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Bobby Zamora to far post, resulting in open play.
84 mins: Foul by Edgar Davids on Carlos Tevez. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Carlos Tevez from left channel, passed. Edgar Davids booked for unsporting behaviour.
83 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas to centre, clearance by Hayden Mullins.
83 mins: Goal kick taken short by Robert Green.
82 mins: Header by Ahmed Mido from centre of penalty area (12 yards), hit bar.
82 mins: Attacking throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
81 mins: Foul by Anton Ferdinand on Ahmed Mido. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Michael Dawson from own half, passed. substitution: Marlon Harewood replaced by Christian Dailly (tactical).
80 mins: Defending throw-in by John Pantsil.
78 mins: Defending throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
76 mins: Goal kick taken short by Robert Green. substitution: Jermain Defoe replaced by Robbie Keane (tactical). substitution: Yossi Benayoun replaced by Carlton Cole (tactical). substitution: Aaron Lennon replaced by Hossam Ghaly (tactical).
76 mins: Shot by Tom Huddlestone drilled right-footed from left channel (25 yards), missed left.
75 mins: Foul by Edgar Davids on John Pantsil. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Robert Green from own half, passed.
75 mins: Defending throw-in by John Pantsil.
75 mins: Attacking throw-in by Edgar Davids.
74 mins: Shot by Jermain Defoe left-footed from right side of penalty area (12 yards), save (blocked) by Robert Green.
74 mins: Corner from right by-line taken short right-footed by Carlos Tevez.
72 mins: Foul by Nigel Reo-Coker on Aaron Lennon. Free kick curled right-footed by Jermaine Jenas from right channel (25 yards), save (caught) by Robert Green.
71 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas to centre, save (caught) by Robert Green.
71 mins: Shot by Jermain Defoe right-footed from right channel (25 yards), blocked by Hayden Mullins.
70 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Yossi Benayoun to centre, clearance by Michael Dawson.
70 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Yossi Benayoun to short, resulting in open play.
68 mins: Foul by Tom Huddlestone on Carlos Tevez. Free kick crossed right-footed by Carlos Tevez from right wing, clearance by Tom Huddlestone.
68 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
68 mins: Attacking throw-in by Marlon Harewood.
67 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green. substitution: Javier Mascherano replaced by Carlos Tevez (tactical).
66 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas to near post, clearance by Daniel Gabbidon.
66 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
65 mins: Shot by Yossi Benayoun volleyed right-footed from centre of penalty area (18 yards), over the bar.
65 mins: Defending throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
65 mins: Defending throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
64 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
63 mins: Defending throw-in by John Pantsil.
63 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
63 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.
62 mins: Foul by Bobby Zamora on Pascal Chimbonda. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas from right channel, passed.
61 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
60 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
60 mins: Defending throw-in by John Pantsil.
60 mins: Shot by John Pantsil right-footed from right channel (30 yards), save (caught) by Paul Robinson.
59 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
59 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.
59 mins: Cross by Tom Huddlestone, shot by Ahmed Mido right-footed from centre of penalty area (12 yards), missed left.
59 mins: Attacking throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
58 mins: Foul by John Pantsil on Edgar Davids. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Paul Robinson from own half, resulting in open play.
57 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
57 mins: Inswinging corner from left by-line taken right-footed by Yossi Benayoun to near post, resulting in open play.
56 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
55 mins: Goal kick taken short by Robert Green.
55 mins: Shot by Tom Huddlestone right-footed from left channel (35 yards), missed left.
55 mins: Attacking throw-in by Yossi Benayoun.
54 mins: Defending throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
54 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
53 mins: Shot by Edgar Davids left-footed from left channel (25 yards), missed left.
54 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.
52 mins: Attacking throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
53 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas to centre, clearance by Anton Ferdinand.
52 mins: Attacking throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
52 mins: Defending throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
51 mins: Attacking throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
51 mins: Bobby Zamora caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Ledley King from own half, passed.
50 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
50 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.
49 mins: Defending throw-in by Yossi Benayoun.
49 mins: Foul by Bobby Zamora on Michael Dawson. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Paul Robinson from own half, resulting in open play.
47 mins: Foul by John Pantsil on Jermain Defoe. Free kick crossed right-footed by Jermaine Jenas from left wing, save (punched) by Robert Green.
47 mins: Attacking throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
46 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
46 mins: Goal kick taken short by Robert Green.
46 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas to far post, header by Michael Dawson from left side of penalty area (12 yards), missed left.
48 mins: Ahmed Mido booked for unsporting behaviour.
47 mins: Goal by Ahmed Mido (Tottenham) volleyed left-footed (bottom-left of goal) from left side of penalty area (12 yards).Tottenham 1-0 West Ham. Assist (cross) by Edgar Davids (Tottenham) from left wing.
46 mins: Attacking throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
46 mins: Defending throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
45 mins: Foul by Jermaine Jenas on Javier Mascherano. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Bobby Zamora from own half, passed.
45 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
40 mins: Foul by Javier Mascherano on Jermain Defoe. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas from right channel, passed. Javier Mascherano booked for unsporting behaviour. Jermain Defoe booked for dissent. Marlon Harewood booked for unsporting behaviour. Shot by Benoit Assou-Ekotto right-footed from right channel (30 yards), blocked by Daniel Gabbidon.
38 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
39 mins: Defending throw-in by John Pantsil.
37 mins: Attacking throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
38 mins: Foul by Michael Dawson on Marlon Harewood. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Marlon Harewood from own half, passed.
36 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.
36 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
35 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
35 mins: Shot by Javier Mascherano right-footed from right channel (30 yards), missed right.
34 mins: Foul by Pascal Chimbonda on Paul Konchesky. Free kick crossed right-footed by Yossi Benayoun from left wing, save (punched) by Paul Robinson.
34 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
34 mins: Defending throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
33 mins: Bobby Zamora caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Paul Robinson from own half, passed.
33 mins: Defending throw-in by John Pantsil.
32 mins: Foul by Ahmed Mido on Robert Green. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Robert Green from own half, passed.
31 mins: Foul by Paul Konchesky on Aaron Lennon. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas from right wing, passed. Paul Konchesky booked for unsporting behaviour.
30 mins: Attacking throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
30 mins: Foul by Hayden Mullins on Pascal Chimbonda. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Michael Dawson from right wing, passed.
29 mins: Foul by Nigel Reo-Coker on Benoit Assou-Ekotto. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Paul Robinson from own half, resulting in open play.
29 mins: Attacking throw-in by Edgar Davids.
28 mins: Defending throw-in by John Pantsil.
28 mins: Goal kick taken short by Paul Robinson.
27 mins: Foul by Jermain Defoe on Daniel Gabbidon. Direct free kick taken left-footed by Daniel Gabbidon from own half, passed.
26 mins: Foul by Michael Dawson on Bobby Zamora. Indirect free kick taken left-footed by Paul Konchesky from own half, passed.
26 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
24 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
24 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.
23 mins: Foul by Anton Ferdinand on Jermain Defoe. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Edgar Davids from own half, passed.
23 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
22 mins: Shot by Marlon Harewood right-footed from right channel (20 yards), save (blocked) by Paul Robinson.
22 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
21 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
21 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
20 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas to far post, foul by Michael Dawson on Robert Green. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Robert Green from own half, passed.
20 mins: Shot by Jermain Defoe right-footed from centre of penalty area (12 yards), save (blocked) by Robert Green.
20 mins: Attacking throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
19 mins: Foul by Hayden Mullins on Pascal Chimbonda. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Michael Dawson from own half, passed.
18 mins: Defending throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
18 mins: Foul by Bobby Zamora on Ledley King. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Paul Robinson from own half, passed.
17 mins: Goal kick taken short by Robert Green.
17 mins: Bobby Zamora caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Paul Robinson from own half, resulting in open play.
16 mins: Attacking throw-in by Edgar Davids.
15 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas to far post, clearance by Daniel Gabbidon.
15 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas to near post, clearance by Bobby Zamora.
14 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
13 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Yossi Benayoun to near post, save (punched) by Paul Robinson.
12 mins: Inswinging corner from left by-line taken right-footed by Jermaine Jenas to short, resulting in open play.
11 mins: Attacking throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
11 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
10 mins: Defending throw-in by Pascal Chimbonda.
10 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
10 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
9 mins: Goal kick taken long by Paul Robinson.
8 mins: Foul by Pascal Chimbonda on Marlon Harewood. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Anton Ferdinand from left wing, passed.
9 mins: Attacking throw-in by Yossi Benayoun.
8 mins: Foul by Bobby Zamora on Benoit Assou-Ekotto. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Paul Robinson from own half, resulting in open play.
7 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.
7 mins: Shot by Aaron Lennon right-footed from centre of penalty area (18 yards), missed left.
6 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.
6 mins: Defending throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
4 mins: Attacking throw-in by John Pantsil.
4 mins: Nigel Reo-Coker caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Paul Robinson from own half, resulting in open play.
2 mins: Defending throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
2 mins: Defending throw-in by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
2 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Yossi Benayoun to centre, save (caught) by Paul Robinson.
0 min: Foul by Tom Huddlestone on Nigel Reo-Coker. Free kick curled right-footed by Marlon Harewood from right channel (30 yards), blocked by Benoit Assou-Ekotto.
0 min: Jermain Defoe caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Anton Ferdinand from own half, passed.