Pocket Pardew

Get the latest West Ham United FC news delivered directly to your PC with Pocket Pardew!
  1. Download the Pocket Pardew installer.
  2. Once the download is complete double-click the installation file.
  3. Finally, follow the on screen instructions to complete the installation. 

Pocket Pardew is just over 1 megabyte in size, so won't take too long to download even on a 56k modem. 

Pocket Pardew will automatically start when the installation is complete. You can hide him at any time by clicking the right mouse button on him and selecting "Hide". He will then only appear when he has some important West Ham United FC news for you.

If you want to uninstall Pocket Pardew select "Uninstall" from the Pocket Pardew folder in your the Programs section of your Start Menu.

Please note that Pocket Pardew has been designed to run on PC's running Windows XP.