Many of you will be aware of how frustrating it can be trying to contact the ticket office during a busy spell trying to either purchase a ticket or obtain the latest ticket information. And for some time now we have been aware that we could improve the service currently being offered to our supporter's.
How does this benefit the customer.
Well it isn't the perfect scenario of every call getting answered straight away but we would hope the caller will notice an improvement, for example when busy instead of just hearing the engaged tone (sometimes for days on end) up to 100 supporters will be able to hear ticket information knowing his/her queue position and the current waiting time.
Whilst at the busiest periods you may still encounter lengthy queues at least now you will be given the option of waiting for the length of time given to you in the message or to call at a later time knowing how busy the office is. Also should you just want ticket information you will be given options to hear ticket information on forthcoming home and away fixtures saving the need to actually speak to an operator.
What will the change to 0870 cost the caller
All calls into the ticket office will be charged at National (not premium) rate irrelevant of the caller's location,
8p 5p
5p 5p
5p 5p
Prices - 1. Rounded up to the nearest penny - 2 Per minute - 3 Include VAT - 4.Mobile may vary (more/less)